

These are some of the outreach organizations and projects that we support as a parish.

Food Pantry

The Church of the Good Shepherd is home to the Wakefield Food Pantry, serving Wakefield and the surrounding areas. The Food Pantry is open to anyone in need. For more information contact Margaret Reid (819-827-0138 / foodpantrywakefield@gmail.com). Donations are always welcomed.



QUAIL is a nonprofit charitable association that cares for adults with developmental disabilities.

QUAIL operates a home in Chelsea, Quebec for five residents, who need assistance with the tasks of daily living. Their goal is to provide our residents a home and support for life, or as long as we can support their needs.

They also offer short-term respite services for adults with developmental disabilities.

Fund raising is essential for their continued care of their residents. They accept charitable donations from the public and put on a number of fund raising events throughout the year: the Strawberry Social, Family Fun Day, BBQ, Dinner at L'Orée du Bois, and the Christmas Craft Fair at Chelsea Elementary School.

And they also sell jams, jellies, chutneys and pickles at various events in the community (in the Gatineau Hills) and weekly at the Wakefield market and yearly at the Vorlage Craft Fair.



La Lanterne

Atelier de jour pour adultes ayant une déficience intellectuelle.

Day centre that offers a variety of activities for the intellectually disabled.

50, rue Principale Ouest
La Pêche (Québec) J0X 2W0
819) 456-4896

Centre de jour : (819) 456-1404
(819) 456-2401
Angélique Baril, coordonnatrice


Maison Libère-Elles

Shelter for abused women: 819-827-4044

Maison d’aide et d’hébergement pour femmes victimes de violence conjugale et leurs enfants ainsi que pour femmes en difficulté.


Centre 454

Centre 454 provides drop-in support services and social recreational activities for individuals who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. We offer a wide range of services to assist homeless men, women and their children to transform their lives with respect and dignity. Since 1954, Centre 454 has been working closely with the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa, the municipal, provincial and federal governments, local businesses, community and church groups, donors and volunteers. Although Centre 454 provides support to an increasing number of people, the demand far outweighs the support available. Without Centre 454, many would be spending their days on the street or in very unsafe conditions.



The Well/La Source

The Well / La Source is a spiritual and justice based gathering place for women and women with children. We provide a safe, supportive, inclusive environment where women come together to empower each other while nourishing the whole person.




Cornerstone provides emergency shelter and supportive housing for homeless women in Ottawa.

Since 1983, Cornerstone has been working closely with the municipal, provincial and federal governments, local businesses, community and church groups, donors and volunteers. We offer a wide range of services to assist homeless women to seek healing and new opportunities.

Although almost 1500 women become homeless in Ottawa each year, Cornerstone can only help approximately 500 women due to shortage of space. Without Cornerstone, many would be living on the street or in very unsafe living conditions.




The Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) is the Canadian Anglican response for emergency relief, refugees, development, and justice.




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