Contact Us


Church of the Good Shepherd

Mailing Address:

The Church of the Good Shepherd
693 Riverside Road
Wakefield, QC J0X 3G0


  • (this e-mail is jointly monitored by the Minister, Wardens, and Treasurer)

Social Media:


Rev. Caroline (Caz) Ducros

  • 343-575-1836

Office Holders:

Rector's WardenYvon Lemire
People's WardenStephanie Baker
TreasurerAndrew Baker
Bank DepositsLinda Morrison
Lay Delegate to SynodMeg Sinclair
Alternate Lay Delegate to Synod
Roster CoordinatorPamela Scobie
OrganistBonnie Duncan
Lawn/GardensStephanie Baker
Tom Baker
WebmasterAndrew Baker
Meg Sinclair
Social MediaMeg Sinclair
Andrew Baker
Email newsAndrew Baker
FundraisingKathleen Lauder
Rental CoordinatorPam Scobie
AuditorIan Sinclair
Centre 454 ContactKathleen Lauder
Prayer Circle CoordinatorJudy Brell


  • Cheques made payable to "Church of the Good Shepherd, Wakefield" can be sent to the above mailing address.
  • Donations can be made online. Click on the image below to use the Canada Helps secure on-line donation system.



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Holy Trinity


5 Pritchard Road,
Lascelles, La Pêche, QC

(turn left going north on highway 105 at gas station at Alcove)

Mailing Address:

Holy Trinity, Lascelles
693 Riverside Road
Wakefield, QC J0X 3G0

Office Holders:

Chapel StewardStephanie Baker


  • Cheques for Holy Trinity can be made payable to "Church of the Good Shepherd, Wakefield" can be sent to the above mailing address. This is required as Holy Trinity is a chapel of Good Shepherd and the charitable number for Holy Trinity has been let go. Please indicate "Holy Trinity" on the memo line.
  • Donations can also be made on-line. Click on the image below to use the Canada Helps secure on-line donation system. Gifts can be directed to the upkeep of Holy Trinity by including a note with donation.



View Holy Trinity, Lascelles in a larger map



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